• Question: What is the weirdest thing you know about Gravity?!

    Asked by emm11 to Ed, Sam, Steve, Vera on 22 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Steven Daly

      Steven Daly answered on 22 Jun 2011:

      Hmm, good question. Gravity is very strange, and there a lot of weird things about it. I think the strangest is that gravity slows down time. Time goes ever so slightly slower on the surface of the earth and in space, it is only a fraction of a second, but that is just so so weird!

    • Photo: Ed Morrison

      Ed Morrison answered on 22 Jun 2011:

      When stars get too big they can become black holes, which are so massive that they suck in matter and light into them because of gravity. In fact, scientists think there might be a black hole at the centre of every galaxy. I hope it doesn’t swallow us.

    • Photo: Vera Weisbecker

      Vera Weisbecker answered on 22 Jun 2011:

      I find it crazy that no one really understands how gravity actually works. It is really strange – we observe it every day but we don’t how it comes about!

    • Photo: Sam Tazzyman

      Sam Tazzyman answered on 22 Jun 2011:

      That’s amazing Steve! I still find it fascinating that things fall at the same rate no matter how heavy they are (ignoring the effects of air resistance). It’s something I know well, but it’s so marvellously not what you would expect!
