• Question: if you were making your own electricity, how would you make it?

    Asked by susannahmartin123 to Ed, Sam on 24 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Ed Morrison

      Ed Morrison answered on 24 Jun 2011:

      I guess I could pop a solar panel on the roof of my house, or put up a wind turbine in my garden. Or I could burn biofuels to heat water and generate electricity through a steam turbine.

      I’m not very good at DIY though so I’m not sure any of these would work.

    • Photo: Sam Tazzyman

      Sam Tazzyman answered on 24 Jun 2011:

      I can’t remember my A-Level physics very well, but maybe if I got a huge coil of wire and a big magnet and stood in the middle of the coil holding the magnet and span around, I would get an electric current in the wire?
