• Question: If you won the nobel prize what would you do with the money !!!!!! ?????????????????? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Asked by alicegrace to Ed, Katie, Sam, Steve, Vera on 15 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Sam Tazzyman

      Sam Tazzyman answered on 14 Jun 2011:

      Good question! First of all, winning the Nobel Prize is more about being recognised as being an exceptional scientist, so the best thing would be the honour of winning. But then you do get nearly a million pounds too! I’d probably use it to buy a house. Then I’d spend the rest of the money going travelling to lots of exotic places where I could see some of the animals that I study in the flesh!

    • Photo: Steven Daly

      Steven Daly answered on 14 Jun 2011:

      I didn’t even know there was money! I would likely use the money to fund people who want to do interesting experiments. I would say split it into three lots of £300,000, and people could apply with research ideas, and I would fund the best three. The other £100,000 would go towards my University, as I wouldn’t have won anything without them.

    • Photo: Katie Marriott

      Katie Marriott answered on 14 Jun 2011:

      I would put the money back into scientific research (after buying a car maybe!). It is very difficult for scientists to get funding, especially if it is seen as a “less important” subject.

    • Photo: Vera Weisbecker

      Vera Weisbecker answered on 14 Jun 2011:

      I agree with Katie! It would be great to have money to do what I think is interesting without having to worry that you will run out of money for your research. I’d buy myself a huge CT scanner and the most top-notch lab facilites to collect all my data, and employ a technician to help run it all and give out lots of studentships and postdocs to do even more interesting research. Plus, as a Nobel Prize winner you can choose where you want to go and do your research because any Uni will take you. So I’d sit down with my family and work out where we want to go and then move there.

    • Photo: Ed Morrison

      Ed Morrison answered on 15 Jun 2011:

      Goodness, I don’t know. I would hopefully pay off any debts then give the rest to a good cause.
